Grievance mechanism:

Submit a complaint

Please use one of the following channels:

You can file your complaint or concerns by using the form on this page. We encourage you to provide contact information in order to facilitate the follow up of the complaint, but you may also file a report anonymously by leaving the name and email address boxes of the form empty. Please note that in such case, we will not be able to communicate with you (e.g., updates on the complaint’s treatment) if no contact information is provided.

Write to Please note that in that case, the email address of the sender will be displayed to the recipient.

Send postal mail at the following address:

Victor Mashiah
+359 89 556 0220
14 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia

Information to be included in the complaint

Description of the complaint and reasons for the complaint

Where necessary, copies of any documentation supporting the complaint Proof of authority to represent if the complaint is filed by a representative Treatment of your complaint.

Within 10 business days, the complainant receives a confirmation that the it has been received. Each complaint will be investigated through a fair and independent review, facilitating a response to the complainant no later than one month from the receipt of the complaint. In some cases, the
investigation of the complaints may take longer than one month, in which case the Contact Person will inform the complainant of such in the due response, and keep the complainant informed about the investigation’s status thereafter until resolution.

If the complainant does not receive an answer or receives an unsatisfactory answer, the complainant is entitled to address the Complaint Officer via the same channels provided above. If within a delay of one month from the day on which the complaint was addressed to the Complaints Officer, the
Complainant does not receive an answer or receives an unsatisfactory answer, the Complainant may address the request to the Board.

Where the complainant is an investor or client, if no adequate response has been received within a further two weeks, the complainant may also escalate the matter to Commission for Consumer Protection

By default, your complaint will be treated confidentially. Only parties concerned by the complaint’s investigation will be made aware of the complaint and your identity will not be disclosed to them without your prior consent. Should you wish otherwise, please state clearly that you agree to your
identity being disclosed.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Note: you can remain anonymous if you prefer or request not to disclose your identity to the third parties without your consent
Please, select one of the following options
Contact Information
Please mark how you wish to be contacted (mail, telephone, e mail).
Preferred Language for communication